Zenkai origins trello
Zenkai origins trello

zenkai origins trello

History Quests are Story Quests that can be repeated. Give senzu to Vegeta, Tien, Trunks, Piccolo Tell Bulma to wish Goku back with the Dragon Balls When the player has completed all the Story Quests, there will be no red marker visible when in the Quest Viewer, which is another indicator that the player has completed all the story mode quests. These quests are now repeatable every 24 hours, and gives the player half the original rewards. The first master players get is Krillin from the moment they create an avatar (which is why he is not found on in the list). Through the Story Quests, the player will earn masters that they can train with to learn their moves and their fighting style. The missions are based on the Dragon Ball timeline, so events like the movies are mixed in with the questline. Only one red marker is present at a time on the map due to the linear format of these missions. These quests are represented by a red marker. Story Quests are Quests that correspond to the original Dragon Ball saga.

zenkai origins trello

Upon starting a new game, the player is automatically given the Quest below. There is a one time quest when the player starts off to show them where the shops in the world are located.

zenkai origins trello

Completed quests are represented by a green marker, and available quests will have a "?" over the NPC. Quests are acquired by talking to the NPC that has the marker on them and accepting the task. When in the Quest Viewer, the active Quest is located in the top left, and players are unable to see their health, ki, etc. Each Quest is represented with a marker when in the Quest Viewer (Tab to activate) and a legend is located in the top right defining the markers for each quest type. There are multiple types of Quests and each is different in their own way.

Zenkai origins trello